Friday, March 7, 2014


This week has been a bit stressful, and in order to do the things I needed to get done, I had to neglect my blog. I've missed the last couple prompts of "on my mind," "something beginning with 'i,'" and "chair." Today's prompt is "fly" and surprisingly, it seems like waiting to write these all at once makes a lot more sense.

This past week has been spent stressing over a cover letter for a job application. This isn't just any job to me, it's a start in a new direction, a way into a world that I have finally realized is the right one for me, and a chance to live a little out of the ordinary. I already have an insane hatred of cover letters, and in some cases I don't really understand the point. In others, like this one, I get it, but I instantly become the most insecure, incapable person while trying to sell myself in a half page letter that is supposed to convince a stranger to take a chance, interview and possibly hire me. No pressure, right?

So that's what has been on my mind the last week, from last Thursday til now. Why now? Because I just sent it in. I sent in my application, and the only thing that I can do is hope that this amazing website takes a chance on me. Hell, I probably should just send them this blog entry and be like, "see? I right good."

Back to the point, cover letters have been "on my mind" because I was stressing over this application, my "i" words are insecure and incapable because no matter how good at something I know I am, that fear creeps when I have to explain why I think I'm going to be the person they want in said cover letters.

That leaves "chair" from yesterday, and "fly" for today's post. Here's my set up at a local Starbucks:

My laptop, water, a drink, crumpled napkins, snack bags, my phone, chargers, and most importantly, the chair that has been my home for the past couple hours while I tried to hammer this out. This chair has been my inspiration to get this done because it's terrible for my back and incredibly uncomfortable. The sooner I got my stuff done, the sooner I don't have to sit in it. Makes sense, right?

I'll write my post for today a bit later, I need to take a break. I need to let my brain calm down and do some yoga to help recover from all this sitting. I'm also not going to post where I applied or anything about the job, because in case something comes of it, I know I'll be incredibly superstitious about it. If the reviewing parties read this post, thanks for looking into what I'm all about. I hope you like me!

1 comment:

  1. I love that blog!! Well, I love all of your blogs!! But particularly this one!! Sending good thoughts about the new direction and cant wait to hear about it!!!! Pwease??
